Duty Reduction

Trade has gotten more complicated, but there are more opportunities than ever for Duty Reductions. There are Trade Agreements between the US and countries such as Australia, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, Columbia, Israel, the Dominican Republic, and many more. The First Sale provision allows you to pay the cost a Trading company pays the manufacturer instead of the cost the Trading company charges you. If the Trading Company won’t share this information with the importer, its even possible to setup a non disclosure agreement to share with the broker only so you still get the savings. There are many exemptions in the Section 301 Tariffs (Trump Tariffs) from China that will reduce your duty by a very large percentage, if not completely. Is there a classification that is more appropriate for your product and lower duty? Sometimes firms use classifications they deam, “the safe” classification because they have the highest duty rate of two possible options. Let’s be sure before we pay more. If researching lower duty opportunities is of interest to you, please contact Los Angeles Customs Brokers for more information.